
Free professional photograph for you and your loved ones

Monday, 20th May 2024

We're on the lookout for families, pets, partners, and anyone else who'd like to join us in a few marketing photos for Darlington Credit Union. As a thank you, you'll get a separate session on the day for a FREE professional snapshot of your loved ones as a keepsake by Orange Shark Creative.

Are you interested in this offer, or do you know someone who might be?

Please email us if this is something you might like or simply want more information. We are just gathering numbers to gauge interest.

You can decide your level of involvement, for example, you may want to bring your family in for a free professional photograph, but not include your young ones in the marketing images. We are happy to discuss this with you to make sure everyone is happy. The marketing images are to help DCU update imagery and ensure the messages we put out reflect and engage with our members.



We're aiming to schedule this in late August/ early September. It will be a short hour or so session.


Our branch at 41 Tubwell Row, Darlington DL1 1PD.


If this is something you would be interested in, with a free professional portrait in return, please email us via email

or Call - 01325 529829